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Home Hair Treatment For Natural Highlights

Posted by Melanie Elaine on
Natural home hair treatment


Here’s a recipe for at-home, all-natural highlights that I found.

Take two tablespoons of honey, two tablespoons of cinnamon, and a tablespoon of olive oil. Mix them all together. You can have natural highlights. Here are the details.

Get cinnamon, honey, olive oil, and half a cup of warm water, mix it up, and let it sit for an hour. Put this mixture on your damp hair and tie it in buns. After one hour, rinse it off and you're going to have natural highlights.

I have not tried this, but I have dark hair. My natural highlights would be gray haha. Suppose you're afraid to put it on your hair. You can do what my sister did. She would put it on her husband's hair first and tell him she was conditioning it. Just kidding!

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