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Hair Loss And Hair Thinning Questions Answered!

Posted by Melanie Elaine on
Hair Loss And Hair Thinning In Women

All of Your Women’s Hair Loss And Hair Thinning Questions Answered! We've received countless inquiries from our women from over the world wondering why they are suffering from hair loss and hair thinning. 

What can cause hair loss and hair thinning in women?

Why do I feel like I am hearing about hair loss more and more often?

Are you suffering from hair loss in the front of your head, sides, all over your head?

Are you asking yourself: why is my hair falling out?

You are not alone. 

Hair loss is expected to quadruple by 2026 according to Grandview Research. Women are 40% of the hair loss sufferers and our millennials are losing their hair at faster rates than their parents.  Why?  What is causing this epidemic of alopecia?  This list describes some, but not all of the causes of hair loss and thinning. 

No matter the cause, if you notice patchy or sudden hair loss, please contact your doctor. Sudden hair loss can signal an underlying medical treatment. 

Hair loss causes include but are not limited to:


This is the number one reason the millennials are losing their hair. But stress can cause hair loss at any age.  Stress can cause hair loss in many ways but here are three of the most common types of hair loss associated with stress.  Telogen effluvium stress can force large numbers of hair follicles into a resting phase. Two to three month later that hair falls out.  If you are losing hair, was there a stressful event 2 to 3 months prior? 

Natural Aging:

As our bodies age, the rate of hair growth slows. Our bodies naturally begin to produce less nutrients that support hair growth. This is a normal part of aging! 

Alopecia areata:

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that signals the body's immune system to attack hair follicles, causing hair loss. 


Trichotillomania is a compulsion to pull out hair from your scalp, eyebrows, or other areas of your body. This is an emotional issue that can be triggered by stress, tension, loneliness, boredom, or frustration. 

Can Covid-19 cause hair loss? 

Yes.  The stress from an illness, losing a job, loneliness, loss of loved one can be some of the most stressful situations we deal with in our lifetimes. Unfortunately, science has proven that stress causes hair loss. It’s important to take measures to manage your stress levels during this time. 

Does anemia cause hair loss? 

Yes, iron is necessary to hemoglobin production. Hemoglobin is the oxygen “highway.”  Oxygen is vital for the growth and repair of cells - including the cells that stimulate hair growth!

Does dandruff cause hair loss? 

Not directly.  Hair loss related to dandruff actually comes from scratching the itch on your scalp, causing follicle damage and inflammation. 

Rick Lake hair loss – What happened? 

Ms. Lake stated that she believes it is due to many causes such as yo-yo dieting, hormonal birth control, stress and radical weight fluctuations over the years. 

Can psoriasis cause hair loss? 

Not directly.  But much like dandruff, scratching your scalp causes follicle damage and inflammation that can lead to hair loss.

Does levothyroxine cause hair loss? 

It can but is most common during the first month of use. This hair loss is only temporary and will stop as thyroid levels stabilize.

Can surgery cause hair loss? 

Yes. Any shock to the body can cause hair loss. Talk to your doctor on the implications of shock from any surgery.

Can high fevers cause hair loss? 

Yes, but it will take 6 to 12 weeks following the high fever for your hair to be affected. 

Is there a connection between hair loss and weight loss? 

Some extreme diets that eliminate a broad base of nutrients have been linked to hair loss. Rapid weight loss has also been linked to hair loss. It's important to understand the risks before starting a diet. Consult your doctor and consider taking supplements to ensure your body is getting the proper nutrients.  

Can my medication cause hair loss? Yes. But be sure to read your package insert and ask your doctor about hair loss as a side effect of the medication. 

The most common medications known to cause hair loss include:

1) Cholesterol-lowering medications — Atorvastatin and Simvastatin

2) Anticoagulant — Warfarin

3) Blood pressure medications — Captopril and Lisinopril

4) Psoriasis treatment — Acitretin

5) Anti-arrhythmia drug — Amiodarone

6) Anticonvulsant — Divalproex

7) Antacid — Cimetidine

8) Gout medication — Colchicine

9) Steroids — Testosterone and Progester

10) Acne treatments — Isotretinion

11) Antifungal — Ketoconazole

Consult your doctor if you are taking any of these medications and are experiencing hair loss. Consider taking supplements that help promote hair growth like CheveuxRX hair vitamins today!

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